Bank of Russia

currency exchange rates from "27.07.2024"
Currency name Code Unit Rate
Australian Dollar AUD 1 56,0879
Azerbaijan Manat AZN 1 50,3324
Pound Sterling GBP 1 110,1821
Armenian Dram AMD 100 22,0301
Belarusian Ruble BYN 1 27,4678
Bulgarian Lev BGN 1 47,4718
Brazilian Real BRL 1 15,1714
Forint HUF 100 23,7016
Dong VND 10000 35,2860
Hong Kong Dollar HKD 1 10,9797
Lari GEL 1 31,5041
Danish Krone DKK 1 12,4418
UAE Dirham AED 1 23,2988
US Dollar USD 1 85,5650
Euro EUR 1 93,2641
Egyptian Pound EGP 10 17,6948
Indian Rupee INR 10 10,2195
Rupiah IDR 10000 52,5971
Tenge KZT 100 18,0243
Canadian Dollar CAD 1 61,9184
Qatari Rial QAR 1 23,5069
Som KGS 10 10,1814
Yuan Renminbi CNY 1 11,7296
Moldovan Leu MDL 10 48,1275
New Zealand Dollar NZD 1 50,4192
Norwegian Krone NOK 10 76,8440
Zloty PLN 1 21,7087
Romanian Leu RON 1 18,6901
SDR (Special Drawing Right) XDR 1 113,6902
Singapore Dollar SGD 1 63,7118
Somoni TJS 10 80,5393
Baht THB 10 23,6793
Turkish Lira TRY 10 25,9186
Turkmenistan New Manat TMT 1 24,4471
Uzbekistan Sum UZS 10000 67,7260
Hryvnia UAH 10 20,7694
Czech Koruna CZK 10 36,6163
Swedish Krona SEK 10 78,8573
Swiss Franc CHF 1 96,8587
Serbian Dinar RSD 100 79,3813
Rand ZAR 10 46,8444
Won KRW 1000 61,7619
Yen JPY 100 55,5653

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